

My first time having sex, I finished so quickly that I was too embarrassed to tell the girl, so I continued thrusting, But I became soft. Minutes later, I noticed the condom had slipped off. In a panic, we began searching everywhere. The only other place it could be was inside her. For what seems like hours, we both tried unsuccessfully to pull it out of her vagina. Since we were both sexually inexperienced, we thought this was a medical emergency and went to the ER at 3 am to get it removed.

My coworker's sister came to town and went to happy hour with a bunch of us from the office. We ended up hitting it off and decided to exchanged phone numbers. The next day, out of the blue, she texted me, 'What's your favourite position?" I thought that was a little forward, but went with it and replied "Standing up, from the back, What's yours?" She wrote back, "Point guard. What are you talking about?" I was mortified. I had completely forgotten about our basketball conversation the night before"
Brian, 30:

My friends were dancing at a club while I was sitting with my shy mate. I tried to get him to head out to the dance floor, but he said it was awkward to go and start grinding on a girl. I told him to watch me as I spotted two girls and made my move. I put my arm around one of them, but she took a step back and said, "I don't speak english" in a totally Australian way. Her friend looked at my mate and said, "neither do I". They didn't even laugh - just walked away.
Cassie, 30:

I started working at a new firm a few weeks ago. There is this super-hot man who works in my office, but he's so intimidating that I didn't have the guts to approach him... and I didn't feel comfortable enough yet to ask the other women in the office about him. One afternoon, there was an important meeting that I didn't need to attend. I looked around my cubicle and no one was near me, as all my coworkers were in the meeting, so I decided to look him up on Facebook. To my supprise, his profile wasn't blocked, so I went to check out his photo albums. Just as I was clicking through dreamy photos of him and his girlfriend, I heard a cough coming from behind me. I turned around and was shocked to find him standing literally two feet away. I immediately clicked out of the screen and excused myself. He must have seen all my not-so-secret stalking because he doesn't even say hi to me anymore.
Tracey, 28:

A few months ago, I was diagnosed with shingles, which is basically a painful rash. I didn't think it was a big deal until the doctor prescribed a medication that's also commonly used to treat herpes - it's advertised on TV. Even though shingles isn't a sexually transmitted infection, the symptoms are treated with the same medication. I decided to suck it up and get the prescription filled. But when I got to the pharmacy, I saw that one of the workers behind the counter was a cute guy I went to university with. I tried to avoid getting him by letting an elderly couple go in front of me. But when it was finally my turn to be served, I had to hand over my embarassing prescription to the hottie I knew! He didn't say anything, but he was holding back a smirk as he was reading the script. Now he thinks I have herpes. I am never going to that pharmacy again!