
 My Love

There are so many things I love in my life such as my family and friends..... I love tennis, music, dancing, photography, partying, posing.....Shiney things, fluffy things, cute things... boy we could go on for ages....

But my greatest love of all would be my Andrew.
I first encountered Andrew on New Years Eve in 2008, and we began talking on New Years at the Unipub after dancing hehe and we met up again at Malhbergs party.
I don't know where to start, he is an amazing person he has everything I ever wanted.
He has a great personality, he respects me and is always there for me. He always keeps me happy and is always good to have a good laugh with. We spend so much time together and we never get tired of each other, we even spent over 22 days straight togther! (Imagine spending 22 days straight with me?! I would be banging my head on the table non stop!)
He can be clingy at times though... he tied himself to me the other day twice lol.  hehe.
Theres no one else in the world more perfect for me than Andrew and I'm so glad to have met him.
I love you Andrew ^_^.