
Zach SA:

I was at camp and we had a disco on the last night. While we were dancing I gathered all my courage up and asked my crush to dance. She gave me a weird look and answered, "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom." As she walked off, all my mates started laughing at me. Turns out they'd put tomato sauce all over my crotch area!
Justin Timberlake (celebrity)

I think it was my most embarrassing moment was when I was at a party and was talking to someone.the music was really loud so I was talking at the top of my voice and all of the sudden the music cut off and I was in the middle of saying something really personal!

I was in the video shop with my girlfriend trying to agree on a movie to watch. As I was perusing the new releases, my girlfriend wandered off to the drama section without telling me. I didn't know, and without looking, I mistook the girl next to me for my girlfriend. Anyway, I picked up a comedy that I have wanted to see for ages -my girlfriend hates comedies- and said, "I don't care what you say, I'm getting this one." Suddenly, the girl started laughing and I looked up in horror as she said, "Sure, whatever you say darl!" 
Daniel, NSW:

At schoolies, we had an awesome room in a hotel at Surfers Paradise, and, to top it off, our balcony faced an apartment full of chicks. One night, after way too many beers, three of us decided to do a strip tease for all the ladies. Dressed only in a towel, we stood on the balcony and whipped it off! However, as a cheer erupted next door, one of my mates locked the balcony door! We scuttled around with no clothes on for like 20 mins, much to the amusement of the girls next door and our mates inside.
Chad Michael Murray (Celebrity)

It happened when we were filming 'A Cinderella Story'. A girl came running up, threw her arms around me and asked to take a picture with me. Then she said, ' Thank you, Hayden,' thinking I was Hayden Christensen! My face turned red and I thought, I'm a nerd. I didn't have the heart to tell her I wasn't Hayden.
Elise: It was my best friends birthday party. She lives near the Murray River. We were playing truth or dare and it was my turn. I chose dare. My dare was to skinny dip in the river and make as much noise as possible so the boys who were camping on the other side of the river would come out and see what I was doing. Determined to show them I could do it, I got into the river and started screaming and yelling and splashing about. The guys came out of their tent and thought I was drowning! One guy jumped in and grabbed me on the boob by accident and brought me to the bank were my friends were standing. I stood up and then realised I was naked!
Cassie: My mum and I were meant to be shopping for bras and underwear, but my mum unexpectedly had to go to work, so my dad had to come with me. My dad began acting so silly when we got to the shopping centre. He picked up a g-string and put it on his head! He also picked up a bra and tried it on over his shirt! I am never going shopping with my dad again. The shopping assistants were looking at us like we were really strange!
Kayla: Last year, I went on a school trip to the snow. I started skiing down the mountain and noticed all these people watching me. I went really fast to avoid their stares. So fast, in fact, that my ski poles got stuck in a game as I slid past. I let go of the poles and fell down the hill! The whole class and my teachers laughed!
April, NSW:My friends and I went down to the beach. We went for a swim and there were some really hot guys in the water. The waves were pretty big so we started to show off, splashing about and screaming. Then, out of no where, this massive wave came for us. I got taken out by it and dumped on the shore. The guys stood there and laughed. I looked down and realised my bikini top was on the shore! I jumped in the water and did not move until my friends had retrieved my top!