

My date and I were rushing to make a late movie. I bought the tickets then went to buy drinks while she went in and found some seats. By the time I got into the cinema it was dark and the movie had started. I looked around to find my date and I saw a girl waving at me. I went over, but my arms were full of lollies and popcorn so as I handed her the drink, I dropped it and drenched her in coke! The worst part was that this girl wasn't even my date! My real date was three rows back, laughing at me!

I was at a servo with my friend and she was handed a free scratchie for buying two chocolates. She scratched the first two boxes and they said 'second chance draw' . Then she scratched the next two and they also said 'second chance draw'. She started jumping up and down and excitedly asking the lady at the counter what prize she'd won! The lady just laughed.

One night at a party my crush asked me to dance. While we were dancing he leaned in for a pash, then next thing I know my friends were all crowding around me. One of them had a camera, so I drew away from the kiss because I knew they were going to take a photo. But when my crush and I parted lips there were still all those strings of slobber you can get attatched to our lips! Of course my friend clicked the camera right at that moment! When the photos were developed my friends showed everyone in the school and now all the guys think I'm a bad kisser!

I had been going out with my boyfriend for almost 3 months, when he invited me over to his parent's house for dinner. My boyfriend could tell I was tense, so when we sat down for dinner he started playing footsies with me under the table. I then slipped off my shoe and put my foot on his lap. But as I did his father jumped up and yelled "This is not a brothel" I realised then that I'd put my foor in the wrong lap.
Luke (NSW):

I was on a holiday with my family and I was in the bathroom masturbating. When my sister walked in, I was mortified so I quickly slammed the door shut in her face. When I saw her later she was laughing so I said, "Big deal, everyone wanks". Then she said, "What are you talking about?" It turned out she had no idea I was wanking and I had just dobbed myself in for nothing. She kept calling me a wanka as a joke in front of the family and I couldn't say anything back.
Jared (NSW):

My mates and I were watching American Pie while our girlfriends were outside in the pool. We were inspired by the pact that the guys made, so we decided to make our own pact of our own. We were re-enacting the scene from the movie, all declaring to have sex with our girlfriends on the night of the formal, when our girlfriends came back to find us yelling loudly, " We will get laid!" Needless to say, every single one of us now has no girlfriend and no date for the formal! Bad timing!
Ben, WA:

My friend told me he was going to set me up with his really hot cousin. His sister told me I wouldn't be disappointed, so I was pretty psyched when the day of our big date arrived. I spiked my hair, shaved especially (just incase there was a goodnight kiss) and splashed cologne all over me. I turned up at her house, flowers in hand, but 'she' turned out to be a 'he'! My friends were all there, laughing hysterically of course. I learnt a lession and I'm never going on a blind date again!
One time I was at the shopping mall looking in a shop with my mum, her friend and her friend's baby. I put my wallet in my mum's bag (with a pad in it) which was hanging from the baby's pram. As I walked out of the shop I noticed my pad's wrapper was sitting on the ground. Then I looked up. The baby had a pad in her mouth and was sucking on it! To make matters worse, a whole bunch of guys from my school saw the whole thing.

Anon, QLD