
Daniel, NSW:

At schoolies, we had an awesome room in a hotel at Surfers Paradise, and, to top it off, our balcony faced an apartment full of chicks. One night, after way too many beers, three of us decided to do a strip tease for all the ladies. Dressed only in a towel, we stood on the balcony and whipped it off! However, as a cheer erupted next door, one of my mates locked the balcony door! We scuttled around with no clothes on for like 20 mins, much to the amusement of the girls next door and our mates inside.
April, NSW:My friends and I went down to the beach. We went for a swim and there were some really hot guys in the water. The waves were pretty big so we started to show off, splashing about and screaming. Then, out of no where, this massive wave came for us. I got taken out by it and dumped on the shore. The guys stood there and laughed. I looked down and realised my bikini top was on the shore! I jumped in the water and did not move until my friends had retrieved my top!

After seeing The Dukes of Hazzard I became obsessed with wearing cut-off denim shorts. I had one pair that were really short and thought I'd wear them to the school dance. I had my period, but used a tampon, so it didn't matter. Halfway through the night I saw this really cute boy checking out my ass - over and over again. When he came over I thought he was going to ask me to dance, but he just whispered in my ear, "Um, your tampon string is hanging out". I was mortified and ran to the bathroom and didn't come out till the end of the night.
Anon, SA