

My mate invited me back to his house after school one afternoon and I was totally taken by his forgeous sister. To impress her and make her just a teeny bit jealous, I picked up my mobile and pretended I was talking to another girl. I was trying my best to talk it up, but just as my faux conversation was getting interesting, my mobile rang! My mate's sister couldn't stop laughing and now she's nicknamed me "prankster"
Elise: It was my best friends birthday party. She lives near the Murray River. We were playing truth or dare and it was my turn. I chose dare. My dare was to skinny dip in the river and make as much noise as possible so the boys who were camping on the other side of the river would come out and see what I was doing. Determined to show them I could do it, I got into the river and started screaming and yelling and splashing about. The guys came out of their tent and thought I was drowning! One guy jumped in and grabbed me on the boob by accident and brought me to the bank were my friends were standing. I stood up and then realised I was naked!


There's this one guy I know named Tony who's completely obsessed with my best friend's girlfriend. When her birthday rolled around, Tony told me that he was going to take a trip over to her house early on the big day to give her chocolates and flowers. I thought it was kind of messed up to hit on someone else's girl that blantly, so when Tony asked me for her address, I only pretended to be into his plan and gave him my grandma's address instead. My idea worked: I still laugh when I think about Tony getting all dressed up and ringing the doorbell, only to discover an 88-year-old woman who was overjoyed to be getting flowers and chocolates from one of my friends.


My first time having sex, I finished so quickly that I was too embarrassed to tell the girl, so I continued thrusting, But I became soft. Minutes later, I noticed the condom had slipped off. In a panic, we began searching everywhere. The only other place it could be was inside her. For what seems like hours, we both tried unsuccessfully to pull it out of her vagina. Since we were both sexually inexperienced, we thought this was a medical emergency and went to the ER at 3 am to get it removed.
Brian, 30:

My friends were dancing at a club while I was sitting with my shy mate. I tried to get him to head out to the dance floor, but he said it was awkward to go and start grinding on a girl. I told him to watch me as I spotted two girls and made my move. I put my arm around one of them, but she took a step back and said, "I don't speak english" in a totally Australian way. Her friend looked at my mate and said, "neither do I". They didn't even laugh - just walked away.
Cassie, 30:

I started working at a new firm a few weeks ago. There is this super-hot man who works in my office, but he's so intimidating that I didn't have the guts to approach him... and I didn't feel comfortable enough yet to ask the other women in the office about him. One afternoon, there was an important meeting that I didn't need to attend. I looked around my cubicle and no one was near me, as all my coworkers were in the meeting, so I decided to look him up on Facebook. To my supprise, his profile wasn't blocked, so I went to check out his photo albums. Just as I was clicking through dreamy photos of him and his girlfriend, I heard a cough coming from behind me. I turned around and was shocked to find him standing literally two feet away. I immediately clicked out of the screen and excused myself. He must have seen all my not-so-secret stalking because he doesn't even say hi to me anymore.
Jared (NSW):

My mates and I were watching American Pie while our girlfriends were outside in the pool. We were inspired by the pact that the guys made, so we decided to make our own pact of our own. We were re-enacting the scene from the movie, all declaring to have sex with our girlfriends on the night of the formal, when our girlfriends came back to find us yelling loudly, " We will get laid!" Needless to say, every single one of us now has no girlfriend and no date for the formal! Bad timing!
Ben, WA:

My friend told me he was going to set me up with his really hot cousin. His sister told me I wouldn't be disappointed, so I was pretty psyched when the day of our big date arrived. I spiked my hair, shaved especially (just incase there was a goodnight kiss) and splashed cologne all over me. I turned up at her house, flowers in hand, but 'she' turned out to be a 'he'! My friends were all there, laughing hysterically of course. I learnt a lession and I'm never going on a blind date again!

I'd applied for a job as the manager of a fancy restaurant. During a meeting with the owner, she asked why I wanted to work for the business. I launched into a rant about how the competition had awful service and low-standard food. She was silent for a minute, then said, 'I co-owned that place. And my family still manages it.' I didn't need to wait for an email to know I didn't get the Job.
Kay, 31


I was competing at the drama eisteddfod and was waiting backstage for my turn. I wasn't too nervous because I knew my piece well and had won with it at my previous eisteddfod. They called my number and I walked on stage. I was about to belt out my stuff when my mum called out, "Honey, you're number seven!". I'd gotten up on the wrong number! The adjudicator was trying hard not to laugh and the audience lost it. Even worse, I had to face them when it really was my turn. Now, I always chefck what number I am before I go out onstage!.
Anon, NSW