
Cassie: My mum and I were meant to be shopping for bras and underwear, but my mum unexpectedly had to go to work, so my dad had to come with me. My dad began acting so silly when we got to the shopping centre. He picked up a g-string and put it on his head! He also picked up a bra and tried it on over his shirt! I am never going shopping with my dad again. The shopping assistants were looking at us like we were really strange!

I had to take French last summer, and our classroom was burning hot! Not only was there no air conditioning, but our teacher, Mrs Remsen, closed all of the windows because there was construction going on outside and she didnt want the noise to disrupt her lesson. One day I honestly felt like I was going to melt, so I hatched a scheme to try and het her to open the windows. I took out a bottle of water that I had in my book bag, and when Mrs Remsen wasnt looking, splashed a little onto the underarms of my grey T shirt, so that it would turn darker in those spots. Then, I raised my hand three times in the next 10 mintues to ask random questions just so Mrs Remsen would notice my "Sweat stains". By the third time, I think I really grossed her out because she opened two windows and the door and turned off the lights - Brianne, 13