

I took my girlfriend to meet my nan. Once we got there Nan made me take off my cap, so I went to the bathroom to fix my hair and came out a short time later. As I walked into the lounge room, Nan asked. "Did you have to go number two dear? I hope you lit a match". Soooo embarrassing.
Anon, SA


I'd applied for a job as the manager of a fancy restaurant. During a meeting with the owner, she asked why I wanted to work for the business. I launched into a rant about how the competition had awful service and low-standard food. She was silent for a minute, then said, 'I co-owned that place. And my family still manages it.' I didn't need to wait for an email to know I didn't get the Job.
Kay, 31


I was at school camp in a cabin of six other girls. There were three bunk beds but they didn't have ladders so you had to jump on the bottom bed, land your stomach on the bar and wriggle your way to your bed. My bed was the top bunk. My friends were having an arguement and I got fed up and I tried to climb up onto my bed to go to sleep. When I landed on the bar it squished my stomach so hard that suddenly I fluffed really loudly. My friends stopped and turned to look at me but all they could see was my butt. They all immediately burst out laughing. They won't ever let me forget it!
Charlotte, NSW


It was the second last day of the holidays and all of my friends, including some guys, went to the beach to celebrate our last days of freedom. We swam for a while, then us girls decided to work on our tans. It was a hot day and we fell asleep in the sun. While we were sleeping, the guys wrote "L" for loser on our foreheads in SPF 30. Three hours later, we woke up, our bodies completely red. It wasn't till I got home that I saw I had "L" written in white on my forehead! I tried covering it with fake tan, but days later you could still see it! My two girlfriends had the same problem, and for four days everyone just kept laughing when they looked at us. 
Anon, Vic


I was staying at my friend's ouse and we watching a movie with lots of kissing in it. I hadn't kissed a boy yet and wanted to know what if felt like, so my friend and I tried it out on each other. While we were still kissing, my friend's older brother walking in. I was so humiliated! He thinks we're both lesbians now.
Anon, QLD


I was competing at the drama eisteddfod and was waiting backstage for my turn. I wasn't too nervous because I knew my piece well and had won with it at my previous eisteddfod. They called my number and I walked on stage. I was about to belt out my stuff when my mum called out, "Honey, you're number seven!". I'd gotten up on the wrong number! The adjudicator was trying hard not to laugh and the audience lost it. Even worse, I had to face them when it really was my turn. Now, I always chefck what number I am before I go out onstage!.
Anon, NSW


I was doing work experience at a television station and was lucky enough to be in charge of spinning the autocue as the presenter read out from the script. Unfortunetly, I was so distracted with watching him and forgot to keep scrolling his script down, so he was live on television and just staring at the screen for about 10 seconds untill some guy came and pushed me out of the way and took over. It was even worse when the hunky TV guy scowled at my when he walked past.
Anon, NSW


After seeing The Dukes of Hazzard I became obsessed with wearing cut-off denim shorts. I had one pair that were really short and thought I'd wear them to the school dance. I had my period, but used a tampon, so it didn't matter. Halfway through the night I saw this really cute boy checking out my ass - over and over again. When he came over I thought he was going to ask me to dance, but he just whispered in my ear, "Um, your tampon string is hanging out". I was mortified and ran to the bathroom and didn't come out till the end of the night.
Anon, SA


I was at my local mall and was shopping in my favourite store when I saw Rob Mills from Australian Idol working behind the counter. I ran up to him and told him how hot I thought he was and how I voted for him nine times in one minute. I then asked if he would sign my bag. After that, I hugged him and was just about to walk away when he said " My name's Liam. Who the hell is Rob?" I was so embarassed because everyone in the shop saw. I never go in there now, just incase Liam is working!
Anon, QLD


One day I was doing my homework, when my nose suddenly became really itchy. I tried to scratch it on the outside, but it just didn't work. Since I was alone in the room, I decided to quickly pick my nose before anyone else saw. About 30 seconds later, I heard someone laughing. I looked up and there was my crush. He was dressed formally with a rose in his hand. To make matters worse, I realised I had forgotten about our date. After he saw what I was doing, he left. The next day at school he told me he was going to ask me out, but now he thinks I'm too disgusting to be his girlfriend. I'm so ashamed.