

I was at a local fair with my four-year-old sister. She needed to go to the toilet, so I took her to the toilet block where there were two hot guys standing out the front. I told her that she's a big girl and could go by herself. She went inside and I flirted with the guys. We were hitting it off when my sister ran out with her pants around her ankles and a wad of toilet paper in her hand saying 'I may be a big girl, but I can't wipe my bum yet!". I went red and the boys walked off laughing
Anon, WA


I was at the shops and needed to buy pads. I ran down the aisle and grabbed them and put them in the trolley next to mum. 30 seconds later, a guy came up to me with the pads saying, "Are theres yours? You put them in my trolley." I could have died.
Anon, WA


I used to date a guy named Adam, who I thought was cheating on me. So, as a test, I made up a fake screen name to see if he'd flirt with me online, We chatted for a few minutes, then I asked if he was looking to meet someone new. He said he was and even suggested we go out! Thats when I lost it and said "Adam, this is Becky. I've had it with you!" Boy, did I get a shock when he answered " This is Adam's dad. Maybe it's best if you two did stop seeing each other." I was so humiliated, but what's worse is that his dad threatened to file a complaint about me to my Internet provider! Ugh! - Becky, 15 


By the end of summer camp, almost all of my friends had kissed a boy. I'd been crushing on this guy Ian, but all we'd done so far was hold hands. By the last week of camp, I was determined to kiss him. I put my plan into action by telling Ian I needed to practice my paddling skills for the camp Olympics on the lake. He agreed, having no idea I was planning to make a move. We were pretty far from the shore when I moved in for the kiss. He was so suprised, he jerked backward, tipping over the canoe! We fell into the water, which was full of algae and weeds and totally nasty. Luckily, we managed to flip the canoe back over, but Ian was bright red all the way back to shore. Guess I went a little overboard with my plan!- Natalie, 13


A few months ago, I went on a class trip to see a play. It was really boring, but instead of snoozing, I kept getting up to go to the bathroom because my stomach hurt. After the third time, our chaperone told me that I'd have to wait 'til intermission, which was in a few minutes. I tried to hold out, but suddenly, I had a desperate need to fart. When loud music began to play, I figured if I let one rip the music would drown it out. But as soon as I let out the worlds largest fart, the music came to an abrupt stop, because a character on stage died! Not only did I stink up the theater, my class laughed at the most dramatic part of the play. Worst of all, I've been known as the "Fartistic Genius" ever since! - Sascha, 14 


I had to take French last summer, and our classroom was burning hot! Not only was there no air conditioning, but our teacher, Mrs Remsen, closed all of the windows because there was construction going on outside and she didnt want the noise to disrupt her lesson. One day I honestly felt like I was going to melt, so I hatched a scheme to try and het her to open the windows. I took out a bottle of water that I had in my book bag, and when Mrs Remsen wasnt looking, splashed a little onto the underarms of my grey T shirt, so that it would turn darker in those spots. Then, I raised my hand three times in the next 10 mintues to ask random questions just so Mrs Remsen would notice my "Sweat stains". By the third time, I think I really grossed her out because she opened two windows and the door and turned off the lights - Brianne, 13