

I was at school camp in a cabin of six other girls. There were three bunk beds but they didn't have ladders so you had to jump on the bottom bed, land your stomach on the bar and wriggle your way to your bed. My bed was the top bunk. My friends were having an arguement and I got fed up and I tried to climb up onto my bed to go to sleep. When I landed on the bar it squished my stomach so hard that suddenly I fluffed really loudly. My friends stopped and turned to look at me but all they could see was my butt. They all immediately burst out laughing. They won't ever let me forget it!
Charlotte, NSW


A few months ago, I went on a class trip to see a play. It was really boring, but instead of snoozing, I kept getting up to go to the bathroom because my stomach hurt. After the third time, our chaperone told me that I'd have to wait 'til intermission, which was in a few minutes. I tried to hold out, but suddenly, I had a desperate need to fart. When loud music began to play, I figured if I let one rip the music would drown it out. But as soon as I let out the worlds largest fart, the music came to an abrupt stop, because a character on stage died! Not only did I stink up the theater, my class laughed at the most dramatic part of the play. Worst of all, I've been known as the "Fartistic Genius" ever since! - Sascha, 14