

A bunch of random list of useful life advice.
I have included the ones I think are most useful from the article.
Source: Cosmopolian, January 2009

(My comments are placed inside brackets)


- It's virtually impossible to make an unpleasent person behave better, but you do have the power to control your own behaviour. Don't get caught up in someone else's game-playing
(Generally its up them to change in their own time)

- You can't make everybody like you, nor should you want to. But if a lot of people don't like you, it may be time to consider what you might be doing wrong.

- Self pity won't help you, and after a while it will start to annoy those around you, so stop whining

- You can't argue with a person who's not thinking logically. Don't frustrate yourself by trying. Take a deep breath, count to three, then walk away...

- Gossiping is fun but can be hurtful and dangerous. For a fix that won't eat your conscience, read a gossip magazine.

- Complaining is just a waste of time unless it's followed up by a search for a solution, and then by action.

- People who are mean are usually very sad inside.

- Think before you shout. Think before you send a vicious email. Think before you hang up the phone or slam the door on someone. Remember, a split-second of consideration could save you years of regret.

-Shit happens. Deal with it. Unburden (within reason) to friends, eat sensibly, exercise and sleep enough. If you can't cope see a professional.

- Do whatever you can to finish your studies - whether it's a degree, diploma or course, education should be an unnegotiable in your life.

- If you want to do something positive for your health, stop smoking.

- People don't think about you as often as you do, so stop obsessing about it.

-Don't expect your life to miraculously change when: you lose weight, you get a boyfriend/girlfriend, you earn more money or you move to another country... 
(Yes, I had to bold that one as that is very important thing to understand)

- The $5 000 credit limit on your card belongs to the bank, not you.

- Any decision you make motivated by positivity will generally be good.

- Do whatever you are dreading most first thing on Monday morning. Then you can forget about it

- Don't Make choices out of fear, greed, anger or the desire for an easy ride. Do Make choices motivated by curiosity, desire for stimulation.

- Most of the people who make the most valuable contributions to the welfare of the world don't care about fashion, celebrities or weight.

- Famous, rich, beautiful people are not necessarily happier than you 
(Eh enough said)

- Perspective, empathy, patience - these are the three most valuble life skills no one can teach you.

- Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and say sorry.

-Smile. Say "please" and "thankyou". Greet people by name. Good manners will get you a long way.

-Try anything once, as long as it's safe and you're not pushed into something you don't really want to do.

- Help others. You never know when you might be the person who needs help in return.

Love and relationships

-Long term relationships are hard work - but if it's hard work on the third date, it's probebly not worth it.

- Men generally don't like being pursued by woman

- Being scared of losing someone you love won't prepare you for it. If it happens, it'll hurt either way.
(mmm I have to definetly agree with this) 

- There's no such thing as a perfect man, but that doesn't mean you should ever settle for someone who does anything less than make you feel very, very happy - it's not much to ask
(Note: There is no such thing as a perfect man in general, however there is such thing as a perfect man for you, Same thing goes for woman too)

- Even if they are the love of your life, it's possible that the factors considered unimportant in romantic comedies such as disapproving parents, different views on religion, a big age gap, money problems can end the relationship.
... but these hardships could also make your relationship stronger.

-If his/shes honestly into you, you probably know

- Your life isn't over just because your best relationship so far has ended.
(I can understand it hurts a lot now but honestly your life isn't over... I have seen this happen so many times) 

- If you're not that into them, let them know now.

- Long distance relationships can work - but only if you both know for certain when you will be together again

- Men generally tell it like it is. Woman just aren't as keen on hearing it.

- You generally can't change a man/woman, so you'd better like the raw material.

-To find the G spot, sit striaght up.

Each time you fake an orgasm you're reducing the chances of having a good on next time. If you won't show them what does and doesn't work for you, how will they get it?

-If he doesn't wear a condom, he doesn't deserve to sleep with you 


-Money isn't the only thing you should get out of your job. You should also be getting out knowledge, growth, stimulation and enjoyment.

- If you're shy or embarassed about pushing for a pay rise, pretend you're arguing for someone else. It'll make it easier for you to list the reasons why you deserve it.

- Standing up for yourself is important, but know that the person you are standing up to may think you're being disrespectful. There are no guarantees you won't regret it.

-Debt or the high cost of living is not your employer's problem. You should never ask for an increase "because I don't have enough money". Negotiate based on your professional worth.

-However much you love your job, don't let it define you. Having another life is having happiness insurance.

-Invest 10% of your first pay cheque, and keep doing it

- By spending time on facebook or youtube you're neglecting your responsibility to your employer and you're wasting time you could be spending getting better at your job and increasing prospects.

Don't write to your boss in SMS-speak, Ever.


- There is no way of knowing for sure what the best move in a particular situation is. Don't beat yourself up afterwards if you think you have made the wrong choice.

- Make self defence a habit. Live carefully, then get on with enjoying your life. Don't let fear take your right to happiness away from you.

- Never underestimate or doubt your intuition.
(Your intuition is very important to pay attention to)

- If an attacker wants your bag, car or laptop, give it up.

Friends and Family

- You don't choose your family, but it'll still hurt when you lose them

- Friends tell friends when their lover is cheating on them

- Say what you feel, but expect the truth in return.

- Your love alone can't make an addict get better

- Dont give more power to people who hurt you than those who love and support you.
(A good piece of advice many overlook.)

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