
By Cleo, AU (unknown date)

A wonder-bra for your body:
The $3 facelift:
Loosing weight it key to reducing your chin baggage and laughing for just 15 mins a day will burn a whole 209kJs! Having a coffee after a meal is a little trick French women use to boost their metabolism. So, enjoy a skinny latte after lunch guilt-free.

The upper arm slimmer:
Soy is the new weapon in fat-blasting. It contains phytoestrogens, which prevent the release of enzymes that destroy the nice, elastic collagen in our skin. Weight loss hypnosis is also gaining fans. You play a track on your Ipod, slip into a relaxing trance, and let your subconscious mind soak up the health information.

The two-minute boob job:
Everyone has flabby bits, even former supermodels like Tyra Banks, who wears a special bra to hold her jiggly bits. Boob overhang is hard to tone but Vitamin C supplements are like exercise in a pill. Just 500mg a day will boost your fat-burning by up to 3%. Berries, oranges, grapefruit, and broccoli are also high in vitamin C, so add them to your diet.

The pain-free thigh reduction:
Anti-cellulite creams can make an impact. Ingredients to look for include forskolin and caffeine (fat burners); retinol and coenzyme Q10 (skin firmers); and marine extracts like carrageenan and alginic acid (cellulite smoothers). Natural substances such as black pepper, ginger, green tea, cinnamon and ginkgo, are also know flab busters.

The no-effort bum lift:
Even Kate Beckinsale says she has “fat ass” days. Banish them forever by adding garlic and apples to your diet to reduce fat in your cells. A daily prescription of fruit and vegetables such as spinach, eggplant, cabbage, celery, leek, grapes, melon and prunes will not only firm up your skin but also in the to battle against ageing with a team of super-0nutrient antioxidants.

The crunch-free stomach smooth:
Fat physics says dehydration makes skin lax so drink up but stay clear of those fancy, new fruit-flavours waters – they can have as much sugar as a can of coke, which is up to 13 teaspoons per 500ml! Belly dancing and horse riding may also pull in your waist.

By Cosmopolitan, AU (Unknown date)

1. History of skin cancer in your family
2. Sunburn or "binge tanning" in the past. "85 percent of sun exposure occurs before 20. " says dermatologist Natasha Cook from Sydney's Macquarie Street Dermatology.
3. Freckles; fair skin; green or blue eyes or blonde hair
4. Visiting solariums. UV light from tanning beds is more intense than the sun's
5. Having more than 50 moles. One study found that around 25% of melanomas develop from regular moles, so there's an increased risk for melanoma just related to the number you have.
6. A scar. The lighter pigment in scar tissue makes you more susceptible to sun damage.
7. Playing outdoors sports. Anyone who spends a lot of time in the sun has a higher risk.
8. Smoking. The carcinogens can triple your risk of non-melanoma skin cancers
9. Living south of the equator (Australia) and/or at high altitude. For every 1000 feet you add in altitude, your skin gets four percent more UV light.
10. Driving. A US study found frequent drivers are more likely to develop skin cancers on the left side of their body (the right side here in OZ)
11. Certain medical conditions. Human papillomavirus has been linked to squamous cell skin cancer. And there’s evidence woman who’ve had breast cancer get more skin cancers than other woman.
12. Some medications. Antibiotics, some anti-inflammatory drugs and antidepressants can increase sensitivity to UVA radiation. Ask your GP if your’s fits the bill.

Article ny Sarah Reid, Cosmopolitan AU
Round the clock advice

8am: Email Early
Instead of staying up late at night to answer emails and surf the net, get to work half an hour early and hop online. The light emanating from your computer screen at night can disrupt you body's ability to sleep

11am: Worry
The London Sleep Centre suggest carving out 20 minutes of daily 'worry time' to stop your mind wandering at night. Do it during a morning coffee break and write things down to clear your head.

1pm: Yoga
A study found insomniacs fall asleep faster when they did yoga for 45 minutes every day. Try to fit in a monring or lunchtime class if u can.

2pm:Cap Coffee
Caffeine stimulates brain activity, keeping you awake for longer. Plus, since it takes eight hours to leave your system, be sure to have your last latte at lunch time.

9pm: Pass on the pepperoni
Avoid big meals and fatty foods at night as they can cause insomnia. It is also thought that tyrosineladen foods ( e.g. chedder cheese and pepporoni) will agitate the brain and keep you awake.

10pm: Drink water, not wine
A 'night cap' might help you get to sleep but. "leter on, you'll get an increase in 'dream sleep,' meaning that you wakle up more," explains Dr Renata Riha, author of Sleep: You questions Answered. 
Vitamin and mineral fixes for on-the-go people and people with busy lives with help from naturopath Annalies Corse (

Remember if any persistent symptoms occur always consult the GP.

To look better:

You want to grow your hair:

"Hair growth relies on quality protein and minrals." says Corse. "A supplement containing zinc, silica, selenium, vitamins B6, B9 and B12 will support protein synthesis in the body. Also, eat protein with every meal. Eggs, meat, fish and poultry are all complete proteins, providing all of the amino acids our body needs to make keretein( the protein in hair and nails)."

You suffer from breakouts:
Breakouts on the cheecks indicate the intestines are harbouring an overgrowth of pathogenis bacteria, says  Corse. "You need a high-quality probiotic capsule or powder for at least a month." Breakouts on the chin or jawline are often hormonal. "taking a good quality essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement everyday will prevent hormone inbalance. EFA's supply the building blocks for hormone synthesis. Look for supplements that contain high levels of EPA and DHA, such as marine oil containing evening primrose oil." Says Corse.

You keep getting cold sores:
Cold sores are a sign of oral herpes simplex virus, and usually pop up when your immune system is run-down. "says Corse. "To treat an outbreak, and boost your immune system, supplement your diet with the amino acid lysine and some extra vitamin C. Lysine will assist in preventing further replication of the virus. Also, avoid foods that contain the amino acid arginine, which promotes replication of the virus. Some examples of arginine- containing foods are chocolates and peanuts."

You want some anti-aging insurance:
Head straight for the antioxidants to help keep your looking youthful. "A good antioxidant will contain active constituesnts, like vitamins A,C and E, selenium, green tea extract and coenzyme Q10" says Corse. "Not only do they help prevent the signs of aging, but internally they work wonders."

To Feel Better:

You need some help getting to sleep:
Trouble falling asleep is often due to an overactive mind and over-stimulation of the brain before bed, says Corse. "Magnesim, taken before bed, is an excellent muscle relaxant. Whole dairy milk is also a great source of naturally occuring tryptophan, an amino acid that helps to induce sleep. Gently warming the milk will activate this amino acid." Still awake? "If you're taking B vitamins, do so in the morning, not at night - they are too stimulating," she adds.

You're stressed:
Supplements for stress include vitamin C and magnisium, says Corse. "Also, take a vitamin B complex tablet twice a day. You can supplement with medicinal plants like St John's Wort, which helps relieve anxiety. However, these should only be taken as prescribed by a naturopath."

You have terrible sugar cravings
"This is a sign that your blood glucose levels are unstable due to poor food choices," Corse says. "A supplement containing chromium will help to improve glucose tolerance."

You get every cold going around:
You may be low in zinc, says Corse. "Echinacea also fantastic for the immune system, though not suitable for those who take immunosuppressive drugs. Make sure you're getting some sunlight to activate vitamin D in your body. Take vitamin C during the colder months, and limit sugar as it competes with vitamin C for absorption."

Source: Austalian Cosmopolitan October, 2009.
Pimples aren't nice. But they can be tamed. Here, how to live a skin-friendly lifestyle... and get your mirror back on side. With help from Kathleen Alleaume from

Spots below the eyes
The Culprit: Salt, booze and caffeine. They cause kidneys to hold water; this leads to fluid build up uver skin, which blocks pores.
Blemish Banisher: "A well hydrated body means less water retention. Your liver, kidneys and skin require clear, clean water to function properly."

Spots on forehead
The Culprit: Stress. It produces hormones that create free radicals, which eat away at the skin's support structures, decreasing its elasticity and resillience.
Blemish Banisher: Your body needs antioxidants to neutralise the free radical damage. Taking a vitamin C supplement will help skin to synthesise collagen (which keeps it smooth and supple). Vitamin A (in chicken and dairy) will help heal wounds and reduce pimple scarring
Note from Whitney: Drinking Tea works great! I lost all my pimples when I started drinking tea.

Spots around mouth and chin
The Culprit: Hormones; over eating. Ovulation throws hormones out of sync, which means oilier skin. As for digestion: "Heat in the stomach (due to an appetite for grease) can cause lesions around the mouth" says naturopath Nicholas Smith.
Blemish Banisher: Eat oily fish, and nuts -they're full of essntial oils that protect skin from inflammation. Premenstrual breakouts usually disappear with your perioud, but going on the pill may help control them.

Spots on cheeks
The Culprit: Smoking. It blocks pores and causes breakouts here, generated by a build-up of heat which is trying to escape.
Blemish Banisher: Grr don't smoke! Exercise expels toxins via sweat, improving blood flow and speending up the skin's regenuration. Vitamin D keeps lunds in top condition.

Source from Cosmopolitan
Tried and tested by yours truely ^_^

Answer: Put a fan and let it blow into your face while you are cutting the onion.

Theres another method if you cut around certain areas of the onion but you waste heaps of the onion so I would recommend the fan!

Failed methods: Eating gum, wearing sunglasses.
The secret to how celebs achieve their hot bods.
Cut to the chase and shortened down to key points:

Jessica Alba: Do something (exercise) every day.
Cameron Diaz: Get a personal trainer
Charlize Theron: Don't limit yourself to the gym
Mischa Barton: Take your dog for a walk
Rosario Dawson: Try something new
Heidi Klum: Mix it up
Eva Longoria: Have an area of (your body) focus
Jennifer Aniston: Feel better inside and out (Yoga)
Kristen Bell: Let your anger out (boxing)
Uma Thurman: Get on a treadmill
Gisele Bundchen: Grab a surfboard and get out there
Rihanna: Get motivated by someone
Kate Hudsen: Just Dance (dance instructor)

Cleo February 2009
1. Put yourself to bed and get up at the same times everyday.
2. Say no to that late night glass of wine. Alcohol may impair or prevent deep sleep and RED (dream) stags.
3. Avoid caffine late in the day, as well as other stimulants, like nicotine and sugar.
4. Get a little sunlight during the day. Sunlight helps the body's internal bio clock reset itself each day.
5. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and at a comfortable temperature.
6. Turn off the computer and TV. Better yet, keep them out of the bedroom.
7. Developing a relaxing routine before bed to allow your mind and body to wind down, while signalling to your brain it's time to rest.
8. Eat wisely. Abiod heavy meals before hitting the sack.
9. Clear your mind. Make a to do list for the next day and then set it aside.
10. Don't lie in bed awake. If you can't fall asleep within 30 mins, go to another room and do something restful until you start to feel sleepy.

Cleo February 2009
According to a report published in the British Medical Journal, gulping down hot drinks is linked to oesophageal cancer - a disease which kills more than half a million people every year. Drinking beverages over 70oC increases your chances of getting the disease by 8 times, and those who consume their drinks luke-warm slash their chances by half that amount

Source: Cleo, September 2009

Resource to back up claim:

Whole bunch of stuff on NAILS! YAY!

1.Warning! Countless manis are ruined before even leaving the salon. Don't be a victim: have everything you'll need nerby before your treatment starts- money for payments, car keys, mobile phone...

2. Smear Campaign
Patience is a virtue when it comes to waiting for your polish to dry. There's nothing worse than having a gorgeous paint job, only to smudge it mere minutes after you've finished. If you are doing your mani while watching telly, check out this foolproof time guild.
-An ad break between each coat (10 mins)
-Half an episode of the simpsons before they're touch dry. (15 mins)
-A whole Grey's Anatomy before using your hands. (1 Hour)
-Three episodes of Gossip girl on DVD before you go to bed, or use your hands again as normal. (3 hours)

3.Better'em up
Buttermilk is a mild exfoliant. This is because of its lactic acid, so try soaking your hands in some for it is the best homemade hand softene that we've come across.

4. Hand-y tip
Never, ever shake your nail polish bottle. Why? It'll cause air bubbles to form in the polish that'll muck up your mani. Instead, roll the bottle between your palms to warm the polish (and thin it out slightly) so you get a super-smooth application, minus the fizz.

5. Nail art lovers
Check out
You'll be like a kid in a candy store

6. Making your mainsure last days longer
Don't forget your top caot.
Brush polish over and under the tips of you nails to stop any chipping. Apply a fresh layer every second day. Cosmo says to try: Acon Nail experts UV gloss Guard Top Coat, $10.99

7. Yellow Nails
Saok nails in Orly Cutique Cuticle & Stain Remover, $19.95. Other things you can do to stop discolouration: Insert each nail into half a lemon; 
switch to a non-actone nail polish remover; 
buff to reduce stains and smooth ridges; 
apply two coast of base before any coloured polish.

8. Celebrity fav shades.
Lindsay Lohan: Chanel in Black Satan
Uma Thurman: Chanel in Vamp
Victoria Backham: OPI in Loncoln Park after dark.

9. Help my cuticles keep splitting!
Apply L'Occitane Shea Butter Nail & Cuticle Cream $25.95, a couple of times a day. This little gem smells yummy and will have your ragged cuticles in perfect shape in no time.

By Nicole Robinson from Cosmopolitan