
Pimples aren't nice. But they can be tamed. Here, how to live a skin-friendly lifestyle... and get your mirror back on side. With help from Kathleen Alleaume from

Spots below the eyes
The Culprit: Salt, booze and caffeine. They cause kidneys to hold water; this leads to fluid build up uver skin, which blocks pores.
Blemish Banisher: "A well hydrated body means less water retention. Your liver, kidneys and skin require clear, clean water to function properly."

Spots on forehead
The Culprit: Stress. It produces hormones that create free radicals, which eat away at the skin's support structures, decreasing its elasticity and resillience.
Blemish Banisher: Your body needs antioxidants to neutralise the free radical damage. Taking a vitamin C supplement will help skin to synthesise collagen (which keeps it smooth and supple). Vitamin A (in chicken and dairy) will help heal wounds and reduce pimple scarring
Note from Whitney: Drinking Tea works great! I lost all my pimples when I started drinking tea.

Spots around mouth and chin
The Culprit: Hormones; over eating. Ovulation throws hormones out of sync, which means oilier skin. As for digestion: "Heat in the stomach (due to an appetite for grease) can cause lesions around the mouth" says naturopath Nicholas Smith.
Blemish Banisher: Eat oily fish, and nuts -they're full of essntial oils that protect skin from inflammation. Premenstrual breakouts usually disappear with your perioud, but going on the pill may help control them.

Spots on cheeks
The Culprit: Smoking. It blocks pores and causes breakouts here, generated by a build-up of heat which is trying to escape.
Blemish Banisher: Grr don't smoke! Exercise expels toxins via sweat, improving blood flow and speending up the skin's regenuration. Vitamin D keeps lunds in top condition.

Source from Cosmopolitan

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