
Vitamin and mineral fixes for on-the-go people and people with busy lives with help from naturopath Annalies Corse (

Remember if any persistent symptoms occur always consult the GP.

To look better:

You want to grow your hair:

"Hair growth relies on quality protein and minrals." says Corse. "A supplement containing zinc, silica, selenium, vitamins B6, B9 and B12 will support protein synthesis in the body. Also, eat protein with every meal. Eggs, meat, fish and poultry are all complete proteins, providing all of the amino acids our body needs to make keretein( the protein in hair and nails)."

You suffer from breakouts:
Breakouts on the cheecks indicate the intestines are harbouring an overgrowth of pathogenis bacteria, says  Corse. "You need a high-quality probiotic capsule or powder for at least a month." Breakouts on the chin or jawline are often hormonal. "taking a good quality essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement everyday will prevent hormone inbalance. EFA's supply the building blocks for hormone synthesis. Look for supplements that contain high levels of EPA and DHA, such as marine oil containing evening primrose oil." Says Corse.

You keep getting cold sores:
Cold sores are a sign of oral herpes simplex virus, and usually pop up when your immune system is run-down. "says Corse. "To treat an outbreak, and boost your immune system, supplement your diet with the amino acid lysine and some extra vitamin C. Lysine will assist in preventing further replication of the virus. Also, avoid foods that contain the amino acid arginine, which promotes replication of the virus. Some examples of arginine- containing foods are chocolates and peanuts."

You want some anti-aging insurance:
Head straight for the antioxidants to help keep your looking youthful. "A good antioxidant will contain active constituesnts, like vitamins A,C and E, selenium, green tea extract and coenzyme Q10" says Corse. "Not only do they help prevent the signs of aging, but internally they work wonders."

To Feel Better:

You need some help getting to sleep:
Trouble falling asleep is often due to an overactive mind and over-stimulation of the brain before bed, says Corse. "Magnesim, taken before bed, is an excellent muscle relaxant. Whole dairy milk is also a great source of naturally occuring tryptophan, an amino acid that helps to induce sleep. Gently warming the milk will activate this amino acid." Still awake? "If you're taking B vitamins, do so in the morning, not at night - they are too stimulating," she adds.

You're stressed:
Supplements for stress include vitamin C and magnisium, says Corse. "Also, take a vitamin B complex tablet twice a day. You can supplement with medicinal plants like St John's Wort, which helps relieve anxiety. However, these should only be taken as prescribed by a naturopath."

You have terrible sugar cravings
"This is a sign that your blood glucose levels are unstable due to poor food choices," Corse says. "A supplement containing chromium will help to improve glucose tolerance."

You get every cold going around:
You may be low in zinc, says Corse. "Echinacea also fantastic for the immune system, though not suitable for those who take immunosuppressive drugs. Make sure you're getting some sunlight to activate vitamin D in your body. Take vitamin C during the colder months, and limit sugar as it competes with vitamin C for absorption."

Source: Austalian Cosmopolitan October, 2009.

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