
1. Put yourself to bed and get up at the same times everyday.
2. Say no to that late night glass of wine. Alcohol may impair or prevent deep sleep and RED (dream) stags.
3. Avoid caffine late in the day, as well as other stimulants, like nicotine and sugar.
4. Get a little sunlight during the day. Sunlight helps the body's internal bio clock reset itself each day.
5. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and at a comfortable temperature.
6. Turn off the computer and TV. Better yet, keep them out of the bedroom.
7. Developing a relaxing routine before bed to allow your mind and body to wind down, while signalling to your brain it's time to rest.
8. Eat wisely. Abiod heavy meals before hitting the sack.
9. Clear your mind. Make a to do list for the next day and then set it aside.
10. Don't lie in bed awake. If you can't fall asleep within 30 mins, go to another room and do something restful until you start to feel sleepy.

Cleo February 2009

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