

Why does your body do certain things and what is it trying to tell you? Words from the wise Naturopath Rebecca Martin.

When you burp
Reason? Burping is a sign of indigestion. Eating too quickly or eating when stressed, anxious or nervous means your body isn't prepared for proper digestion to take place. Swallowing air while eating may also cause burping, as can fizzy drinks.
Silence it:
Take your time when dining and make sure you're relaxed. Try to cut down on fizzy drinks and replace with water or juice instead.

When you sneeze
What does it mean? Sneezing is caused by an irritation of the histamine-producing cells in the nose and the sinuses. This may be triggered by a virus or bacterial infection, or, if it happens on a regualr or seasonal basic, you may have an allergy to something in the air such as pollens or dust particles.
Stop it: If you're feeling like you're coming down with an infection, add raw garlic to your salads and dose up on Echinacea root.
Tip: Don't hold back a sneeze as it can cause damage to your inner ear drum and sinuses.

When you fart 
Why? Farting can mean you've been gulping food too quickly, improper digestion or constipation.
Curb it: Eat slowly! Drink chamomile or dandelion tea and include pawpaw and pineapple in your diet, as this aids in digestion.

When you hear: Click, Click (Cracking your bones)
Where's it from? Creaking or cracking noises are usually the gases and fluids in the joints moving around. It's not necessarily the start of arthritis, but you need to look after your joints and keep them well-lubricated.
Silence it: Eat fish three times a week or take fish oil supplements. If you have painful or injured joints, glucosamine sulphate (a dietary supplement) can help with repair.

When you Hiccup
What does it mean?
"Hiccupping can be induced by bouts of laughing, crying or coughing. Eating too quickly can also cause hiccups, as this causes air or food to become trapped in the abdomen, putting pressure on a nerve that causes the diaphragm to spasm
Stop it: Some people report that drinking a glass of water while holding the nose is effective. A forced burp or holding a deep breath can help too.

When you yawn
Why? You're tired bored, fatigued or not breathing deeply enough.
Avoid it: If you can't take a nap, have a glass of cold water to wake up your brain and do some deep breathing to increase oxygen levels.

Source: Cleo

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