

Drinking 6 glasses of water each day has long-term benefits. However, everyone has different needs when it comes to drinking water, it depends on their diet, amount of excercise and genetics etc. 

The rule of drinking 8 litres of water isn't as nessary everyday. This is because general hydration does not require that much water and it turns out that it doesn't clear toxins any faster.  

However, there are increased benefits of drinking more glasses a day.
These benefits include that it decreases bladder cancer ( Scientist believe that carcinogens which come into contact with the bladder are to blame for cancer and with more water in the bladder it is flushed out more often), you'll have a healthier heart (Study has shown that woman who drank five or more glasses of water were less susceptible to coronary heart disease than woman who drank 2 glasses a day), you lose more weight (Study has shown drinking water before meal decreases appetite and promotes weight loss).

Source: Cleo July 2009

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