

Everyone needs some time alone every now and then. Being alone doesn't mean your a loser and have no life, its just a time to unwind and relax and feel comfortable about being yourself and enjoying some freedom.

Things to do alone in certain time frames:
10 Mins...
Read a magazine article: Not as strenuous as a book. Choose something that will improve our mind or your relationships.
Do a quiz: Reveal something about yourself, your friends or your crush by putting yourself to the test.
Create a cool hairstyle: Need inspiration? Search up hairstyles online and check out whats in.
Paint your nails: Glossy perfection will lift your mood instantly.
Write a list: Make it about something important, like what you want to achieve for the year.

30 Mins...
Take a sweet-smelling bubble bath: put a few drops of lavender oil into warm bath and lock the bathroom door. Best time? when everyone else is out, of course!
Meditate: It doesn't have to be all hippie, just clear a space on your bedroom floor and in your head, and completly zone out to some calming tunes.
Go for a walk: This will also fulfil your daily excerside requirement and give you a chance to walk the family pet - if you have one.
Make a packet-mix cake: open the cardboard box, tip the contents into the bowl, add some extras and you're done. Relax while you're waiting for it to cook - and don't forget to set the timer!
Start a journal: Fill it with poems you like and secrets you'd never share - even with your bestie. Make your first entry full of juicy info.

1 Hour...
Read a book: Get a recommendation from a friend, read the latest book reviews for inspiration or choose a classic.
Write a story: Think of a great idea for a children's book and draw your own illustrations.
Paint a still life: The fruit bowl, mum's favourite vase, a favourite object etc. See how life-like you can make it.
Do some arts and crafts: Head to your local craft store and get creative. Personalise a photo frame
Make a mixed tape or CD: Download your favourite songs and make a CD for yourself or your friends.

A whole day...
Rearranging and decorating your room: Spice up your bedroom by adding posters, plants and maybe new furniture.
Write to a long-lost friend: Emails are too impersonal to make contact after all those yours. Pour your heart on to paper instead.
Be a tourist: Visit your local zoo or check out popular tourist attractions.
Go somewhere by yourself:
-See a movie or hang out at the beach; stuff you'd normally only do with friends. It's not as embarrasing as you might think.
-Possibly even take time to reminisce over the good memories you've shared at old hang out spots.
-Go exploring and find a peaceful secret place that you can relax and just enjoy the moment at. 
Do nothing at all: Don't plan anything! :P

By Jessica Parry and edited by Whitney Ha.

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