

Skin that doesnt require makeup...
Want the secret recipe for perfect pores? Follow these five simple steps...

1. Clean
Get rid your skin of excess oil, dirt and makeup that clog and congest the skin by cleansing twice a day with a clearing formula.

Use a pore-specific product to remove those stubburn blackheads that commonly crop up around your nose.
3. Nourish
Smooth on a serum with hydrating benefits to achieve a brighter complexion and even out any less-than-tuat areas. 

4. Hydrate
Slather on a lotion with high levels of antioxidants, as well as hydroxy acid component, to boost any dull spots as it hydrates.

5. Protect
Gently pat on a hydrating eye balm with the tips of your fingertips to ward off signs of fatigue and dehyration lines under your eyes. This area has no oil glands, so it needs an extra moisture boost each day.

Source: Cosmopolitan, December 2008

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