

Having trouble sleeping?
Try these techniques.

-Soak up sun rays. A little bit of sun each day will keep your body clock on track - just remember to use sun protection!
-Chill out. Try to unwind before you go to bed by listening to some mellow tunes (try John Mayer) with the lights down low. If your mind's still buzzing when you hit the sack, you'll have planned a months worth of party outfits before you're even close to dozing off.
(hahaha been there and done that!)
- Rest in peace. Watching TV and even reading in bed can seriously mess with your sleep patterns. These activities stimulate your brain and trick it into thinking it's party time. It's better to watch your fave TV shows in the living room, so your bedroom remains a total sleep sanctuary.

You should be aiming for between eight and a half to nine and a quarter hours of sleep a night. If you're not getting this and the above tips don't work, visit the Australasian Sleep Association website at for more info.

Source: Dolly, Febuary 2004

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